Let me tell you something about my life…. That is my song by ‘A boogie with a Hoodie’! In all actuality its title is relatable to my life. I started blogging about
two years ago then I fell ill, and sadly I was unable to continue.
So, looking back over the last few years in October of 2018 to be exact I had a birthday, Jack Daniels, a Hype Team, barbecue, and flexibility. I got so drunk, but I had so much fun! The very next week is when pigs flew, and hell froze over. I got sick. I had an upper raspatory infection. Y’all I was so miserable! I could not breathe my lungs were acting like a defiant 3-year-old. I swear they threw a tantrum. Then the following week I had so much trouble getting around, doing my laundry, walking from Point A to Point B. My apple watch would not stop going off because my heart rate at resting was way too high. In all seriousness I felt like I was becoming a vegetable. Finally, after a doctor’s visit, I was sent straight to the emergency room in a wheelchair with a heart rate (after walking to the building from my car) of a steady 156. They gave me heart medication, a half-ass diagnosis, and sent my butt home. Soon after being released from the hospital I started to have another problem, and by this time I was looking up new organs on the black market and contemplating how was I gonna pay for them (at the time stripping wasn’t an option). This time I was weak, I could not walk I could not breathe, my chest was hurting like it had been set on fire. I was scared because I did not know what was wrong with me. My heart rate at resting had improved, but if I were walking around the house it would shoot back up to the 130’s. I guess you could call that progress. My childhood best friend had to come help me to my car because I kid yall not I could not walk. My mom drove us to the Houston Medical Center to Methodist Hospital. They looked me over and tried to send me home! Well, my mama did not let that happen. Mama turned into Mama from the hood real quick. They kept me and managed my pain; I had a whole team of doctors coming to my room daily trying to figure out what was going on and getting on my nerves.
By this time, I had been in and out of the hospital from October 2018 to February 2019. I know right? Ridiculous. February 13th, 2019, I met the angel of mercy. I could not have thanked God enough. Finally, we had a diagnosis. Unbeknownst to 85 doctors I had an auto-immune disease. My immune system was attacking me. After all I did for my body. I kept it hydrated, I was doing the KETO Diet and losing weight! Then here we go, it still wanted to kick my ass.
Over the course of that time and now, I ended up suffering from Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts. I was taking at least 35 pills a day, but I was still in pain. I had to use a walker because I would not stop falling around the house. My mom basically had to act as my Live-in Nurse. I was able to make food to feed myself, I was unable to get in the bathtub by myself, my poor mom had to even help me get dressed. It was a tough time, and sometimes it still is, but I am back!
I switched up my blog posts and their topics. When I say I will be discussing literally everything, it will be literally everything, from relationships, food, and sex, to Christ, Church and living with a chronic illness. This is a safe haven for women to talk and discuss all topics.
So definitely stay tuned and Thank you for ready my first blog post of 2021!